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时间:2024-12-09 09:13:08  100人浏览 

The Economist February 5th 2022 United States


blip (blɪp) n.(计算机屏幕上,有时带有短促尖锐响声的)光点


同义词:temporary, a short time, not permanent


Last month's rise in inflation was described by the President as only a blip.



The covid-19 pandemic pushed America’s death rate up and birth rate down. Deaths soared from 2.8m in 2018 to 3.4m in pandemic-stricken 2020. Research by the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis argues that the pandemic affected fertility among women aged 30-34 (prime child-bearing age) the most. As a result there were only 150,000 more births than deaths in 2021, one of the country’s lowest rates ever.

冠状病毒病疫情令美国的死亡率上升,出生率下降。死亡人数从2018年的280万人飙升至2020年的340万人。圣路易斯联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis)研究认为,疫情对30-34岁(最佳育龄)女性的生育率造成最大影响。因此,2021年的人口出生率比死亡人数仅多15万人,创该国历史最低值。

This may be, Mr Eberstadt suggests, a blip. Death rates and perhaps birth rates will return to normal when the pandemic eases. But what is normal? The decline in America’s natural increase long predates covid. It has fallen steeply since 2007, when births outstripped deaths by 1.9m people. The total fertility rate—how many children women will bear in their lives—was 2.1 in 2007, the “replacement rate” which keeps the population stable. Now it is 1.64. This change reflects the ageing of the population (there are fewer women of child-bearing years) and young adults’ decisions to postpone having children as a result of the Great Recession of 2007-09 (economic uncertainty is often associated with a fall in the birth rate).
